Author: Laughspot

Overturned his wagon

It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon-load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. “Hey Wilmer!” the farmer yelled. “Forget your troubles. Come in and have a bite with us. Then I’ll help you get the wagon up.” “That’s mighty nice of you,” Wilmer answered. “But I don’t think Pa would like me to.” “Aw, come on.” the farmer insisted. […]

Wife’s Affair

It’s Saturday morning. Bob’s just about to set off on a round of golf when he realizes that he forgot to tell his wife that the guy who fixes the washing machine is coming around at noon. So Bob heads back to the clubhouse and phones home. “Hello” Says a little girl’s voice. “Hi, honey, it’s Daddy,” says Bob. “Is Mommy near the phone?” “No, […]

3 shots of whiskey

A man walked into a bar, sat down, ordered 3 shots of whiskey, drank them, then left. This continued daily for several weeks. Curious, the bartender asked him one day, “Why do you always order three shots of whiskey?” The man answered, “Because my two brothers and I always used to have one shot each, and since they’ve both passed on, I’ve continued to order […]